Name of the company MEGLIOPRONTO

Address: Via Michelangelo 6, Ariano nel Polesine (RO)

Tel: +39 0426379425



Description of the company: Packaging and cooking of seafood

Foreing markets served: Germany and Switzerland

Type of presence in the foreign markets: commercial joint venture

Products: Mussels, clams and venus striped, clams cooked

Habitual client: supermarket and wholesalers

Final customer: public and restaurants

Most common application of the product: it is ready to eat

Competitiveness factors: quality/ price ratio, quality,  and it is very easy to use

The company wants to sell the products: mussels, clams and striped venus, clams cooked. Kind of preservation: 15 days of shelflife

It is looking for: dealer- distributor and GDO

Ideal partner profile: supermarket and wholesalers


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